Join us for Thirsty Thursday 4pm-8pm for some of Sonoma County's best cocktail prices, and Burger Special.
One of Sonoma Countys Historic and longest run family restaurants
Italian Restaurant Staple
Book your holiday party with us, parties up to 50 or Private Parties of 80-90

History of Dinucci's
Dinucci's was built in 1908 by Mr. and Mrs. Barboni of Occidental, as the Depot Hotel. It served travelers travelling on the Northwestern Pacific Narrow Gauge Railroad that ran through Valley Ford.
The railroad started at Sausalito, going to towns and resorts along the Russian River as well as to Cazadero. The trains hauled passengers, lumber and farming supplies. It was dismantled in 1929, however some of the old trestle and hillside grades remain today. The Depot Hotel continued to operate as a rooming house and restaurant.
Henry and Mabel Dinucci’s bought it in 1939, changing the name in the process. The Dinucci’s enlarged the dining room in 1944 and enclosed the wrap around porch in 1945. They continued to rent out rooms upstairs and served family style dinners in the restaurant.
The Wagner’s bought Dinucci's in 1968, continuing to serve Italian dinners, plus adding some new menu items, including the now famous minestrone soup.
Jeanne and her husband Enrique have carried on the family's restaurant legacy, and now their daughter Geena has joined as the latest member to uphold the tradition into the third generation.
If you’re looking for a small piece of living history we suggest Dinucci’s. We also hope you enjoy your dinner and return soon.